Rodríguez A, Monforte-Royo C, Escribano X, Porta J, Balaguer A. Relationship between perceived dignity and autonomy at the end of life: results of a meta-ethnographic study. 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care. 8-10 May. Copenhagen, Denmark. Oral communication.

Rodríguez A, Monforte-Royo C, Escribano X, Porta J, Balaguer A. Relationship between perceived dignity and autonomy at the end of life: results of a meta-ethnographic study. 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care. 8-10 May. Copenhagen, Denmark. Oral communication.

Monforte-Royo C, Bellido-Pérez M, Porta Sales J, Tomás-Sábado J, Aradilla-Herrero A, Balaguer A. What do we understand by the WTHD? Results from a European nominal group. 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care. 8-10 May. Copenhagen, Denmark. Poster communication.

Monforte-Royo C, Bellido-Pérez M, Porta Sales J, Tomás-Sábado J, Aradilla-Herrero A, Balaguer A. What do we understand by the WTHD? Results from a European nominal group. 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care. 8-10 May. Copenhagen, Denmark. Poster communication.

Guerrero Torrelles M, Monforte-Royo C, Porta Sales J, Tomás-Sábado J, Balaguer A. Clinical interventions regarding meaning in life for patients with advanced disease: a systematic review. 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care. 8-10 May. Copenhagen, Denmark. Poster communication.

Guerrero Torrelles M, Monforte-Royo C, Porta Sales J, Tomás-Sábado J, Balaguer A. Clinical interventions regarding meaning in life for patients with advanced disease: a systematic review. 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care. 8-10 May. Copenhagen, Denmark. Poster communication.

Porta Sales J, D, Guerrero Torrelles M. Pain and Symptom Management in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Treated at an Integrated Palliative Care and Oncohematological Outpatient Clinic: First Year. 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care. 8-10 May. Copenhagen, Denmark. Oral communication.

Porta Sales J, D, Guerrero Torrelles M. Pain and Symptom Management in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Treated at an Integrated Palliative Care and Oncohematological Outpatient Clinic: First Year. 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care. 8-10 May. Copenhagen, Denmark. Oral communication.