Vídeo “5th International WeCare Workshop”
For the 5th year in a row, WeCare Chair: End of Life Care has organised an international workshop. This year, the workshop took place under the title “Sufrimiento: hablar de aquello de lo que cuesta hablar”. The programme was based on clinical cases acted out live and interventions from expert speakers from the field of palliative care covering ways of addressing suffering in patients at the end of life, as well as the wish to hasten death that this suffering can trigger in patients at the end of life. One of the aims of the workshop was to trasnmit the latest findings in research to healthcare profesionals and to Foster the Exchange of experiences between profesionales from different disciplines.
As in previous editions, the invited speakers included experts from Spain and abroad. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Candella Calle, managing director of the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS). Dr Maria Nabal, head of the palliative care unit at Hospital Arnau de Vilanova in Lérida, alongside Dr Josep Porta –WeCare director-, presented a clinical case acted out live. The second case was presented by Dr Carlos Centeno and Alazne Belar from the Clínica Universitaria de Navarra in Pamplona.
The International speakers were Vanessa Romotzky, from the Centre for Palliative Medicine – University of Cologne, Germany and Dr. Johan Menten, coordinator of Palliative Care at UZ Leuven, Belgium who presented their experiences in clinical and training programmes in palliative care.
Dr Josep Porta, Dr Cristina Monforte, Dr Mariona Guerrero and Dr Andrea Rodríguez also presented the results of the most recent research projects carried out by WeCare and their implications for clinical practice.
More tan 175 people atended the 5th International WeCare from fields including Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, Social Care and Anthropology from both Universities and Healthcare institutions across Spain.