On March 7, our director Cristina Monforte traveled to the city of Amsterdam to take part in the symposium ‘Ethics for Medics 2020’. In there, she had the opportunity to present a conference under the title ‘Suffering and the Wish Key Hasten Death in patients with advanced disease’. She used her time to present and explain the last works made by our researchers, which evidence the direct relation between suffering and the wish to hasten death. Dr. Monforte then developed and interpreted the need to explore the wish to hasten death (WTHD) in ways that are both proactive and anticipating, with the purpose to be able to detect the underlying suffering that can be difficult to identify in patients. In this sense, she commented on the possibility to design individualized plans that allow for the medical personnel to find distinct paths to ease the suffering.
Ethics for Medics is organized with the purpose to promote and improve the ethical reflection among students and professional youngsters of the medical sector and the sciences of life. Monthly talks, bands of argument, annual international congress are some of the activities that contribute to achieving this aim. They accost motifs since distinct disciplines: philosophy, ethics, right, medicine, and sciences.
From WeCare, we appreciate the opportunity to take part in this conversation and dissemination space.