5th International WeCare Workshop

Vídeo “5th International WeCare Workshop” For the 5th year in a row, WeCare Chair: End of Life Care has organised an international workshop. This year, the workshop took place under the title “Sufrimiento: hablar de aquello de lo que cuesta hablar”. The programme was based on clinical cases acted out live and interventions from expert…

Edo-Gual M, Aradilla-Herrero A, Monforte-Royo C, Tomás-Sábado J. Inteligencia Emocional, actitudes ante la muerte y cuidados al paciente al final de vida. XII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Cuidados Paliativos. 27-28 de Octubre 2017. Reus, Tarragona.

Edo-Gual M, Aradilla-Herrero A, Monforte-Royo C, Tomás-Sábado J. Inteligencia Emocional, actitudes ante la muerte y cuidados al paciente al final de vida. XII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Cuidados Paliativos. 27-28 de Octubre 2017. Reus, Tarragona.

Course: Haematology for palliative care: Multiple myeloma

Objective: To provide the knowledge necessary to foster collaboration between haematology and palliative care professionals, through a dynamic methodology based on the discussion of clinical cases from a multidisciplinary viewpoint. Venue: Catalan Cancer Institute Coordinators Dr David Gallardo, head of the Clinical Haematology and Haematherapy Service at ICO-Girona, and Dr Josep Porta, head of the…

Rodríguez-Prat A, Crespo I, Tomás-Sábado J, Monforte-Royo C, Porta-Sales J, Balaguer A. Dignity, control and with to hasten death in patients with advanced cancer. 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care. 18-20 May. Madrid, Spain. Oral communication.

Rodríguez-Prat A, Crespo I, Tomás-Sábado J, Monforte-Royo C, Porta-Sales J, Balaguer A. Dignity, control and with to hasten death in patients with advanced cancer. 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care. 18-20 May. Madrid, Spain. Oral communication.