Crespo I, Monforte-Royo C, Balaguer A, Cruz-Sequeiro C, Luque-Blanco A, Porta-Sales J. Screening for the Wish to Hasten Death in the First Palliative Care Encounter: A proof-of-concept study. J Palliat Med. 2020; DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2020.0276

Crespo I, Monforte-Royo C, Balaguer A, Cruz-Sequeiro C, Luque-Blanco A, Porta-Sales J. Screening for the Wish to Hasten Death in the First Palliative Care Encounter: A proof-of-concept study. J Palliat Med. 2020; DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2020.0276

Blanca Goñi has won a scholarship to take part in the European Academy of Nursing Science

The European Academy of Nursing Sciences established their Summer Camps in the year 1998 and since then has formed tens of predoctoral students develop in the research field. The nurses interested to form a part have to present a candidature to opt for a spot. The course lasts three years and features three modules that are carried out in different cities in Europe.…

Andrea Rodríguez-Prat’s presentation at the ‘Jornada d’Actualització de la Societat Catalano-Balear de Cures Pal·liatives’

  On November 14, 2019, an Update Conference of the Catalan-Balearic Society of Palliative Care was held. This event consisted of a round table where the latest news and publications on palliative care at the regional level were discussed. Around 80 assistants had the opportunity to listen to and comment with Andrea Rodríguez-Prat on their…

Participation in the Ethic For Medics symposium in Amsterdam

     On March 7,  our director Cristina Monforte traveled to the city of Amsterdam to take part in the symposium ‘Ethics for Medics 2020’. In there, she had the opportunity to present a conference under the title ‘Suffering and the Wish Key Hasten Death in patients with advanced disease’. She used her time to present and explain the last works made by our researchers, which evidence the direct relation between suffering and…