The Comprehensive Centre for Advanced Simulation of UIC Barcelona (Campus Sant Cugat) became the scene of an interview between our directors, Dr. Josep Porta and Dr. Cristina Monforte, and journalist Jaume Figa i Vaello, from the media Adding Stories.
The interviewees commented in their capacity as representatives of the WeCare Chair and experts in the area of palliative care, on issues of general interest that arise when we are faced with the end of life. What can be done to those who raise the desire to die? Is palliative care the “alternative” to euthanasia?, and, Remember something that the sick people have told you about?, are just some of the questions that Dr. Porta and Dr. Monforte answered. They also stressed that in order to achieve the future improvement of palliative care, it is necessary to strengthen the concept of symbiosis between doctor and nurse, together with other health professionals such as psychologists or social educators.
You can access the complete interview by clicking here.