WeCare participates in the EAPC Congress

The WeCare Chair had an outstanding participation in the European Association of Palliative Care Congress held in Rotterdam last week. During the event, several activities were carried out in which the Chair was actively involved (1 chaired parallel session, 2 free communications, 6 poster communications). One of the outstanding achievements was the receipt of the…

Eduardo Bruera, a world leader in palliative care, invested doctor honoris causa by the International University of Catalonia

Eduardo Bruera, a world leader in palliative care, received the honorary degree of doctor honoris causa from the University UIC Barcelona on May 18th. The investiture took place during a solemn ceremony in the Aula Magna of the university. The ceremony marked the beginning of the Symposium People, Care and Society, organized by UIC Barcelona…

Eduardo Bruera, a world leader in palliative care, will be invested doctor honoris causa by UIC Barcelona

The prestigious Argentine oncologist Eduardo Bruera will be invested doctor honoris causa by UIC Barcelona, at a ceremony to be held on May 18th. Dr. Bruera is considered one of the greatest promoters of palliative care worldwide and founded in 1999 the Department of Palliative Medicine, Rehabilitation and Integrative Medicine at MD Anderson, which is…

The WeCare Chair launches the 2nd Edition of the ERDAM course on the Evaluation and Response to the Desire to Advance Death in People with Advanced Disease.

Today, April 19th, begins the 2nd Edition of the specialization course “Evaluation and Response to the Desire to Advance Death in People with Advanced Disease (ERDAM)”, offered by the WeCare Chair. The program lasts 10 weeks and ends on June 28th. The course is aimed at physicians, nurses, psychologists, social workers and other healthcare professionals…